Please Contact one of our Officers
President: Vanessa "Butterfly" Robertson
Call: 334.322-2458 Email: butterfly.buffalosoldier6644@gmail.com
Vice President: Willie "Pongee" Edwards
Call: 334.201.4954 Email: ponge2007@yahoo.com
Secretary: Leonard "Butterfly" Haygood
Call: 770.687.6059
Email: leonardhaygood@yahoo.com
Getting Started
All candidates (Full and Associate) will participate in a “Hang-Around Period” followed by completion of the Probationary Program.
11.2. LOCATION OF RESIDENCY: Members of a prospective new chapter or, an existing chapter, must reside within the city or the mailing zip code where their chapter exists.
To be approved to become a “Hang Around”, the individual must meet with the President/Vice President. No applications / letters will be accepted during this period. The Vice President will introduce the individual at next regularly scheduled meeting, noting the start of the “Hang Around” period.
The individual must provide proof of insurance to the Road Captain as well as discuss their riding history and review safe riding practices before being allowed to ride with the Chapter.
After completion of the “Hang Around Period” Candidates for Probationary membership (Full or Associate) shall submitan application requesting membership as a Full or Associate member.